Grounded in behavioral science, we design interventions that transform organizations.

The understories process.

Work with us on any or all of our four stages of design, customizing as you go or selecting from our existing evidence-based models.

1) Set your back-end metrics

Determine what end-state results you want to see from your learners. You can use your own, or chose from our models. For example, we have a pre-built algorithm to assess empathy skills that uses evidence-based practices.

2) Create a front-end interaction

We then help you create experiential ways for your learners to engage with your metrics. For example, you can load characters or scenario prompts into our chatbots, then have learners perform asynchronous practice conversations.

3) Pick your feedback methods

Feedback = front-end interactions + back-end metrics.
Don’t settle for another quiz. We help you use gamification to present live feedback to learners, while also gathering stakeholder-level reports.

4) Customize your look

Finally, you will choose visuals and displays to engage your unique audience. Use our existing methods like side-scrolling games or chat-based popups, or make your own!

See an example

Our flagship product, Walk With Me, shows all four of these development steps in action. See how it works, and sign up for a free demo here.